Maintenance Issue Reports

Trilogy® at The Vineyards

Displaying 1 - 25 of 577

 Reported Location Issue Status
September 24, 2019Club

Light out in entry fountain

September 29, 2019Club

An announcement was sent out to members a while back that the "back" patio door in the gym by the treadmills was to be locked at all times. A sign was placed on the glass door referencing this policy. Now however, the sign has been removed from the door, and the door is regularly unlocked when I use the gym on a daily basis .

This policy was put into place for added security, and to prevent unauthorized non-member access to the gym, pool, and other facilities. Who changed this important policy, and why wasn't there a notification sent out to members, if it has been reversed?

Thank you,
Warren Watson

October 3, 2019Wine Barn

Please have someone check the sprinklers on Miwok Ave in front of the wine barn. The planter area is like a swamp. Several dead trees were removed, most likely due to over watering. Hopefully they will be replaced soon.

October 10, 2019Villages

Bordeaux park overwatered to the point of being too soggy to walk on. Also, a trash container with a yellow "caution" tape around it for some reason.

October 12, 2019Gates

Are all access gates backed up by a battery in case PG&E turns off the power?

October 12, 2019Wine Barn

In the wine barn restroom area, there is a female/male sign resting on the floor. It actually duplicates the sign on the doors.

November 2, 2019Club

The plastic clear/grayish faceplate on the Abdominal Crunch machine in the gym is loose. It is missing a screw. Thanks.

November 5, 2019Tennis / Pickleball Court

Tennis courts lights on at 6:00AM. Why?

November 5, 2019Tennis / Pickleball Court

Is it possible to replace the tennis court light switch with a 2 hour timer?

November 7, 2019Club

The technogym kiosk is offline. Unable to log in using my key. Thanks.

November 11, 2019Villages

Street light out on California Trail at Chardonnay.

November 20, 2019Club

New treadmill in the Gym is not working

November 22, 2019Club

Lights out on steps to Mail Room for several days now

November 28, 2019Gates

Ped. gate at Trilogy Parkway and CA Trail does not lock or close properly

December 2, 2019Wine Barn

THe sprinklers on the northeast side of the Wine Barn lawn have been running continuously over the last couple of weeks and one of them has a major leak. I reported this to the front desk about a week ago, but nothing seems to have changed. The lawn is being drowned out and it's a major waste of water, so I'm hoping this message gets to the right people to investigate and fix. Thanks!

December 18, 2019Club

Lights are either totally out or partially out along the steps between club house parking lot levels. It's very dark descending the steps at night. Also light on east side of parking lot is out.

January 8, 2020Gates

The groundcover on the mow strip on the left just inside the Miwok entrance gate is overflowing into the curb and is filled with weeds. It has been that way for months.

January 13, 2020Club

The lat machine (pull down) in the gym no longer tracks reps/sets with the technogym key.

January 28, 2020Club

The screen is not working on the stationary upright bike to the left (if standing behind them). Thanks.

February 6, 2020Club

Light over outside mailroom door is out.

February 10, 2020Club

The door to locker #24 in the men’s locker room is off one hinge.

February 18, 2020Gates

St Julian Exit gate is staying open noticed on Sunday continued into Monday

February 18, 2020Club

Are there plans to put in lights on both sets of stairs in the parking lot? At night they are very dark and it is a safety hazard.

February 21, 2020Landscape

There appears to be a water leak in the median where the large fountain is located at the foot of Trilogy Parkway. Water has been running onto the side of the street leading to the club for several days.

February 22, 2020Landscape

Water is constantly running along the sidewalk on Trilogy Parkway between the sidewalk and the ground cover/hedges. Water is most noticeable where the sidewalk curves right (when walking up from California Trail to Clubhouse).

 Reported Location Issue Status


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