Maintenance Issue Reports

Trilogy® at The Vineyards

Displaying 51 - 75 of 453

 Reported Location Issue Status
December 17, 2020Gates

The Firenze vehicle gate will not open when using a gate card. Please fix. Thanks.

January 7, 2021Landscape

Miwok park (corner of Barberesco & Miwok) needs the grass replaced. The wild grasses are truly dead and not merely dormant. This half of the park has looked this way for a year and has only gotten worse. Wild grass was a poor choice and if the grass just doesn't look good nor has it grown well. Could we please replace the wild grass with turf grass?

Thank you

January 7, 2021Landscape

The “park grass area” on Miwok is horrible looking. Weeds, dead plants, overgrown olive trees, dead and bald grassy areas. I was hoping TerraCare would be improving this but it doesn’t seem like it.

January 19, 2021Vineyards

There is a dead tree in the vineyard directly behind our house @1701 Zinfandel drive. It has been dead/dying for over six months. Please have landscape people examine tree for removal and replacement.

January 20, 2021Club

There is a leak in the fountain at the bottom of Trilogy Parkway. Water is running over the road and into the gutter

January 22, 2021Gates

Just inside the Miwok gate, a water valve is leaking & the planter is full of water.

November 20, 2019Club

New treadmill in the Gym is not working

November 22, 2019Club

Lights out on steps to Mail Room for several days now

November 28, 2019Gates

Ped. gate at Trilogy Parkway and CA Trail does not lock or close properly

January 13, 2020Club

The lat machine (pull down) in the gym no longer tracks reps/sets with the technogym key.

January 28, 2020Club

The screen is not working on the stationary upright bike to the left (if standing behind them). Thanks.

February 6, 2020Club

Light over outside mailroom door is out.

February 10, 2020Club

The door to locker #24 in the men’s locker room is off one hinge.

February 18, 2020Gates

St Julian Exit gate is staying open noticed on Sunday continued into Monday

February 29, 2020Club

Chest press machine in the gym: when the foot lever is depressed the left-hand hand grip bar does not advance as it is supposed to. Thank you.

March 3, 2020Club

I saw the techno gym service guy today and he informed me that the screen for the upright stationary bike to the left is dead. Since this bike is out of commission until it’s either fixed or replaced, can a sign be made stating something to that effect so that people are not wasting their time getting on it and trying to use it. Thanks.

August 12, 2020Villages

The Latour pedestrian gate does not latch rendering it unsecured.

September 3, 2020Gates

The pedestrian access gate from Vineyards Parkway onto Zinfandel doesn't seem to be working. It reads my card and briefly goes green but in less than a second returns to red with the gate remaining locked. My card works fine on the reader that opens the auto gate on Zinfandel

September 20, 2020Gates

Saint Julien Street entrance gate needs lubrication. It squeaks when it opens and closes.

October 11, 2020Gates

Bordeaux gate does NOT closing properly, everyone could get in our village.

October 28, 2020Club

All of elliptical machines are unable to view the TV channel “HGTV”. All the other TV channels view clearly. Also the middle elliptical has a consistent knocking noise when in use.

November 9, 2020Club

The “HGTV” channel doesn’t work on any of the elliptical machines at the gym.

November 9, 2020Bocce Court

The entrance and golf cart gate near the Bocci ball court has not worked for a couple of weeks. Both my wifes and my badge work at the Sonoma and Miwok gates but not on the gates at the end of California trail. Please fix.

November 15, 2020Gates

Miwok vehicle entry gate is stuck open.

December 4, 2020Gates

golf cart gate to Bordeaux on Briones Valley does not work from either side with multiple cards from several different households.

 Reported Location Issue Status


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