Lace up your shoes and get ready to step because Gait-to-Gate is back! Each November, Trilogy Members come together to participate in Gait-to-Gate, our nationwide step challenge. The goal? To help Members stay active heading into the holiday season. The incentive? Members can set their own personal wellness goals while helping contribute to the national mileage goal of the program (and there will be prizes, of course)!

For this year’s national mileage goal, we are honoring our National Parks Service who is celebrating their 105th Anniversary in 2021. We’re betting that EACH Trilogy community can walk the 21,000 miles of trails found in our National Parks for a grand total of 210,000 miles!

Also new for 2021 is a way for more Members to feel competitive and comfortable participating. We’ve created three different tiers of steppers, which you’ll choose from during registration. They include:

  • Casual Steppers (Typically walks up to 10,000 steps a day)
  • Intermediate Steppers (Typically walks 10,001 to 20,000 steps a day)
  • Super Steppers (Typically walks over 20,001 steps a day)

There will be leaderboards and prizes for EACH tier of stepper at every community.

Not a walker? No worries! Even if walking isn’t your thing, you can still participate. More information is included in the Logging Your Steps section below.

Gait-to-Gate is an annual multi-community walking challenge which encourages athletes of all shapes and sizes to come together and support one another. Whether you are already a 10K-a-day stepper or you are more of a beginner, Gait-to-Gate is a safe, fun, and encouraging way to challenge yourself and help everyone in Trilogy achieve a collective goal.

Speaking of our collective goals, in prior years of Gait-to-Gate, we’ve circumvented the country via a route that takes you through every Trilogy. In another year we walked the distance to the moon (the next year we came back!).

More recently, we’ve begun a partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and our Members’ hard work and support means we’ll donate thousands annually to this incredibly important group.

Gait-to-Gate is traditionally our highest participated event, and we’re proud of that. Like everything in life, the first step is always the hardest!

Registration information is released every October.


To register, follow the link below, where you’ll be asked to create a new profile with username and password* which you’ll use to log your steps for November. Don’t forget to choose which tier of stepper you are!


To finalize your registration, payment is required. In communities which have Member Charge Accounts in place, you will see the charge appear on your October or November statement, if you do not provide payment in another manner. If you would like to pay via another method or do not have a Member Account on file, please visit the Club’s Concierge or Member Services Desk to complete your registration.

*Please be sure your password is unique and not used for any other website.